Hannah Willets, Barrow

Artist living and working from Walney Island, Cumbria

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About the Business:

I have a passion for capturing local Cumbrian Towns and Villages, creating intricate illustrations of landmarks, events and people. The overall shape of the finished piece is also important in expressing the area. I include my own personal connections but also ask the community for their own ideas on content. Cumbrians are so proud of where they come from and I hope my work brings out that pride, for those who still live here and those who may now live elsewhere but still feel a bond to here.

Since I can remember, art has always been an important part of my life. I moved back to Barrow in 2010, after completing my Illustration Degree at Coventry University, and I think that time away made me realise how unique the area is. We have the coast, the industry and the Lake District so, for me, there's plenty of inspiration to be found.

Contact Details:

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Address: Barrow-in-Furness, UK

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