Furness Cancer Care, Barrow

CancerCare is a unique independent charity dedicated to helping families affected by cancer and other life limiting conditions living in the Barrow and Furness area

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About the Business:

CancerCare is a unique local, independent charity dedicated to helping families affected by cancer and other potentially life limiting conditions living in north Lancashire and south Cumbria.

Delivered by qualified and experienced staff, CancerCare's wide range of free professional Therapy Services are designed to help individuals and their families come to terms with and manage the challenges of a serious health condition and include: Counselling, Hypnotherapy, Alexander Technique, Aromatherapy Massage and Group Activities.

Before moving to their current home at Duke Street in Barrow, CancerCare set up a dedicated centre in Barrow during the summer 2017 at the Trinity Church Centre on Warwick Street. With 35 years of experience, CancerCare has worked with and helped more than 30,000 local people affected by cancer and other life limiting conditions.

All CancerCare services are provided free of charge. This is possible only through fundraising and generous donations from local people.

Contact Details:

Visit our website

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 01229 836926

Address: Duke Street, Barrow-in-Furness, UK

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