Cowards Pharmacy, Barrow

Independent Pharmacy providing NHS services in Barrow in Furness

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About the Business:

Are you having problems with collecting your NHS prescriptions, waiting or having to call back as all the items not there, or are you being charged for your delivery?
If your answer is, yes, then why don’t you give Cowards Pharmacy a ring.
We offer a full range of NHS services including prescription dispensing. A complimentary free delivery service if needed at Cowards Pharmacy, our qualified pharmacist and staff are here to assist you with any advice, support, concerns or issues you may have regarding your medication or health.
Pop along to our pharmacy, where you can collect your NHS prescription medication and view our range of branded health & beauty products.
We provide clinical over-the-counter medicines for a range of minor illnesses, such as coughs, colds, sore throats, tummy trouble and aches and pains.
We also have a consultation room where you can have a confidential consultation with our pharmacist.
You can take advantage of our FREE NHS prescription delivery service if required.
If you would like to find out more information on any of our services, please pop along or ring the pharmacy.

Contact Details:

Phone: 01229 821272

Address: 52 Hartington Street, Barrow

Contact INfurness Local

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