Cheeky Monkeys Childcare, Barrow

Early Years Childcare in Barrow

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"The staff work so hard and are totally focused on each individual child’s needs. The best bits for me are the children have so much freedom and are allowed to choose what they want to do at play times whilst having to follow the nursery routine too and they’re safe but not wrapped up in cotton wool. It’s a fun atmosphere and totally recommend." Jacqui A.

"My little boy is still in the baby room, but they take really good care of him, and he really enjoys going there. The staff are approachable and love looking after "their" kids. And enjoy telling you what your kids have done. Wouldn't send him anywhere else." Vicki T.

Contact Details:

Phone: 01229 827722

Address: Abbots Vale Community Centre, Abbots Vale, Barrow

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