Alexander Technique Furness, Barrow

Fully Qualified Alexander Technique Practitioner

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About the Business:

At The Alexander Technique Furness, I strongly believe in helping you improve the quality of your life, applying over 20 years of experience as an Alexander Technique teacher.


The Technique is full of valuable common-sense information that, with practice and guidance, can really help you transform your life.


If you are interested in booking a place on the 12-week Initial Exploration course and would like to have a FREE consultation, get in touch or Click Here for more information.

Richard Marsden

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As humans, we have the unique ability to choose how we use our bodies and minds.


What we do and how we do it is primarily up to us to decide. That doesn’t make things easy, though. For all of our perceived free will, we are governed by habitual movements, and responses. gathered throughout our lifetime. Life events, work, stress, even our experiences in childhood, can all play a part in building patterns of posture and movement that cause problems later in life. Quite often, we are oblivious to these patterns of behaviour and response, because they are embedded in habits which feel normal to us but may be compromising our wellbeing in some way.


5 Benefits of The Alexander Technique


1. Self-Awareness– As your awareness increases, you become more savvy with the triggers that put you wrong and cause you discomfort and pain. You learn to respond more appropriately to that pain and create a better relationship with it. Better posture can be a key part of this.


2. Drug-Free Pain Management – You can learn to manage your pain using less pharmaceutical medication. In learning the technique , you are literally creating a healing environment for your body, allowing it to heal.


3. Multifunctional - You'll be surprised where the Alexander Technique can help.

The benefits of The Alexander Technique include:

- Reduced pain

-Increased mobility

-Reduced body tension

-Reduced feeling of stress

-Feeling of wellbeing

-Increase of confidence

-Looking and feeling better in general

-More peace of mind


4. Better Mobility and Flexibility- The Alexander Technique helps improve your coordination and posture, which in turn supports your muscles' flexibility. This can reduce falls and improve balance as you learn to return to a more natural way of being.


5. Long Term Benefits- You will be learning a skill for life. Not only will you become more resilient to discomfort, you will also be less susceptible to injury.

By learning new habits of posture and movement, you will be learning to delay the effects of ageing and preserve your mobility longer enabling longevity in your body .



"I came to Richard originally for a taster session. After six lessons my pain was reduced significantly. If the pain does appear I now have my own method of alleviating it" - Jean, Ulverston

“Despite having a good level of fitness and having practiced Yoga for over 20 years I have experienced intermittent lower back pain for at least 25 years which has become chronic in the the last 6 years or so. I have spent thousands of pounds and as many hours having different types of treatment in the hope of curing my back problem. I have seen sports therapists, osteopaths, physiotherapists, chiropractor’s. I’ve tried acupuncture, myofascial release work, massages and I’ve done some process work with the pain. I had almost given up hope of ever finding a cure and thought it was just a case of managing the pain but then I was reminded of the Alexander Technique so thought I’d give it a go. After my first session with Richard within 2 days I was feeling the pain about 50% less of the time and after 4 lessons I’m feeling hopeful and optimistic that it’s possible that I will be free of pain again. Richard’s gentle and humble approach in the way that he teaches allows his belief and discernment to shine through and be passed on for which I am grateful.” Helen, Ulverston

“I’d been hoping for some time that an Alexander Technique teacher would come to Barrow and, luckily for me, Richard did. I badly needed help with my core balance to overcome my tendency to trip and fall badly. Currently, I am in the process of being re-educated in the seemingly basic skills of walking, bending, sitting and breathing, etc. After the very first session, I noticed the difference in my movement. Now, after six, I rarely trip; my legs are stronger when bending; sitting is more comfortable; my spine feels longer, and I actually see more because I am using my peripheral vision. Training in the Alexander Technique is bringing me the grace in movement I have long wanted and admired in others who have experienced the training. I highly recommend Richard Marsden with his ability to explain the processes involved, his professionalism and patience.” Dorothy, Barrow

Contact Details:

Visit our website

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 01229 821986

Mobile: 07786 858 950

Address: The Studio, 10 Skelwith Drive, Barrow

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